A large and important city in the north of France, forming an agglomeration with the cities of Tourcoing en Roubaix. Cotton and wool industries prospered in de 19 th century, after its downfall poverty struck these cities, but a remarkable transition has taken place during the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21th century. Birthplace of two men who played a central role in the history of France: Charles de Gaulle and Louis Faidherbe.
Charles de Gaulle was leader of the free French in exile in London during the Second World War and the first president of the 5th French Republic. At times a difficult man, but with his remarkable personality, he succeeded in making France one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Councill and, internally, led France through periods of great turmoil. A truly great Frenchman.
Louis Faidherbe was the genial general who set up an army of inhabitants of African nations to fight the colonial wars of France in Africa. Poor boys were given a uniform (that he designed himself), a rifle, an income, status and, most of all, a promising future. Africa concquered by Africans for the glory of France. This principle was not new, but he perfected it, and still is a role-model for present leaders.
further reading::
H.L. Wesseling, De man die nee zei. Charles de Gaulle 1890-1970, published by Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker ISBN 9789035136601 (in Dutch language, but highly recommended and nicely written)
H.L. Wesseling, Frankrijk in oorlog, 1870 - 1962, (from page 83 and further), published by Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, ISBN 9789035131590 . In Dutch language, interesting
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Faidherbe (in French, but other languages available)