Europe is located at the western part of the large Eurasian continent. It had its original cultural roots mixed with those of the Middle East, but set its own cultural standards with that of the Greeks and Romans. Other, but no lesser important, are Christianity, Renaissance, Enlightenment, French Revolution and subsequent Humanism, and Industrial Revolution.
It has set lasting world-standards on art like in painting, poetry, dance, and music, but also on clothing, society, business, way of conduct, and politics. Through colonialism, Europe dominated the world in much of the 16th to 20th century, exterminating complete populations and dragging the whole planet into its conflicts.
From 1945 onward, Europe has evolved into a an area of durable piece, freedom, prosperity, humanism and has as thus served as an example to the world. Europe has come a long way to achieve this, and stands for the challenge to keep developing its standards, the biggest treats being populism, (world-) overpopulation and environmental care.
Countries in Europe are Russia, France, Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Chech Republic, Slowakia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, European Turkey, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine.