Belgium is a small country centrally located in western Europe. The north is called Flanders and is relatively flat with a fair amount of farmland. The south is called Wallonia and is more accidented and forested. It has a population of about 11 million people, devided into 3 language groups: in the north Flemish (similar to Dutch), Walloon (similar to French) and German. Capital is Brussels, large port is Antwerp. Other important cities are Liege, Gent, Charleroi, Leuven, Brugge, Oostende, Mons. Belgium became independent from the Netherlands kingdom in 1830 and, using its large coal and iron deposits, developed as the first industrialized state on the continent of Europe. It gained further wealth from its African colony of Congo. Wealth was mostly concentrated in Wallonia. After the steel market shifted to Asia, Wallonia lost importance and Flanders gained economic strengh. The strategic location of Belgium in Europe, right in the heart of it, gained it much economical benefits and its capital Brussels the title of capital of Europe.
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further reading::
Antony Mason et al, Belgie en Luxemburg, Capitool Reisgidsen, Published by Unieboek Spectrum, ISBN 9789000341481 . Dutch travel guide that proves sufficient en practical.