
Hungary's capital is a city of grandeur. It has great boulevards, fascinating squares, beautiful bridges, buildings, and it has two faces: the hilly Buda with its palace and the flat Pest with the parliament building. Everything that Paris has, is here as well. Budapest is simply a very, very beautiful city.

On the Buda Hill is the Royal Palace, among others housing the Hungarian National Gallery, a museum which is justifiable highly credited.

Palace garden with many decorations and statues, left side
Palace garden, right side
At the famous Chain Bridge - destroyed in WW II but fully restored
View from the famous Chain Bridge at the Matthias Cathedral

Palace garden
Detail at courtyard
Sowjet Monument


Famous Geller Monument at the Buda Hill.The statue is gigantic.
Clog wheel train takes you to the top of Buda Hill...
Pittoresque tramline No2 in Pest.
parlement building, seen from the Fishermans Bastion, Buda-side
It gets magic at night . . .
Subway line 1 is over a 100 years old...
..and takes you very fast to the Opera House...


Heroes Square, Pest, end of the Andrassy Boulevard. This is the Millenium Monument built from 1896 - 1922 to commemorate the date 1000 years ago that the Magyar peoples occupied the area that is now Hungary. Partly destroyed in World War II, it is fully restored. If you like monuments, statues and 19th century art, you will be bewildered by this place.



Behind the Heroes Square is the citypark with the Vajdahunyad palace with a wide range of architectural styles




Behind the Vajdahunyad palace is the Szechenyi hotwater bath. Atmospheric and arousing.


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further reading:

Laszlo Szabo, Zsuzsa Rappai, Hungarian National Gallery, Masters and Masterpieces, Kossuth Publushing Corporation, Hungarian National Gallery, ISBN9789630955607 This is how the Municipality of Budapest listst its news and information. Good and reliable information.