
France is a divers country with a distinctive population, either adored or with a strong aversion. Not many countries in the world share this deep devide in opinion. For those who adore France, it is almost heaven on earth, but for those with an aversion, it is a matter of sheer avoidance. The reason? France is very distinctive.

France is the largest country in western Europe, surrounded by other countries and several sees. It has been a key player in European and world history, and it legacy is present in daily life of many people. France has been influential or a major leader in the aspects of law, way of conduct, civics, art, philosophy, science, humanism, fashion, cooking, wine, perfume, grandeur and female beauty. Its largest contribution to mankind is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen , eventually allowing ordinary people to live free and in prosperity. In other words: power to the people. France is still a major economical power and of great influence in Europe and the world.

My experience with France and its products are largely positive. Young people are no longer shy to speak English (elderly refuse to speak other than French and can be very stubborn). My French car really is more comfortable and practical to use than many non-French (and, yes, it does not rust anymore, it is reliable, and even at 200 km/h it is still stable on the road). When I ordered a pancake while in Normandy, it was the best I ever had. I tried pancakes in other places in France: the same. When I ordered a salade in the restaurant for American veterans in Normandy, the elderly lady served it to me with a flair seldom encountered. Watch the way ordinary French people get dressed while in the metro of Paris, or on the street in a small city as Mulhouse: neat, decent and yet modern. Look at the quality and capabilities of the products of the French aviation industry, both civil and military. Nowhere in the world, I saw woman of all ages still be slender. A ride in the TGV-train feels like flying without take-off or landing. Watch how other heads of state are being received in France: shear grandeur. This distinctiveness makes France unique.

That France still is a great country with visionary leaders was again proven shortly after World War II, when it began talks with former rival Germany about a lasting peace in Europe. So much was destroyed in Europe, so much loss and sorrow, and yet France and Germany, with Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg founded the European Coal and Steel community, laying the foundation for cooperation. At present, 2017, peace is lasting in Europe, France is solidly incorporated in the European Union and forms together with Germany the main axle in Europe.

Places included at this website are Lille, Mulhouse, Normandy, Paris, Strassbourg and Versailles.

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further reading::

Jean Sévillia, Histoire passionnée de la France, Perrin, ISBN 978-2-262-04107-6, in French language, comprehensive, complete, received good critics, but very French indeed. - the English wikipedia page about France is very neutral