
Unfortunately but inevitably, Potsdam got its share of bombs during World War II, but it still has a few worthwhile attractions. Its name got worldwide known because of the historic conference held by the victors of WW II at July 17 - August 2 1945. Most of the visitors, however, come to Potsdam because of its rich historic environment with many parks, castles and palaces. It makes up for a fine daytrip from Berlin, but in fact, it deserves more time. Below are picture from a visit to the famous Sancoussi Park at November 14, 2010. The weather played a major role that day: foggy start with clouds breaking during the day resulting in very clear sky and full sun after 11 a.m. until sunset at about 16.30 p.m. Shear magic, it felt like winning a lottery. The pictures speak for themselves...

Sancoussi Palace










New Palace




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further reading::

https://www.spsg.de/schloesser-gaerten/objekt/schloss-sanssouci/. Official website with good information.

https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/ . Not just the Sanssouci Park is worth a visit: the vicinity of Potdam offers many worthwhile trips.

https://www.potsdam.de/ . About the city of Potsdam

https://www.potsdam.de/eine-europaeisch-gepraegte-stadt . Touristic information on Potsdam.